Beijing Zetron Technology Co., Ltd CN

Zetron FSC-8 biological air sampler

FSC-8 biological air sampler is used to sampling the suspended bacteria in the cleanroom.The basic principle is Andersen principle,there is a internal pump to suck the air into the equipment,the Andersen principle to make sure the sampling head with the same flow rate with the pump rate.Before we start to sampling the air,we need to put the culture medium into the sterile petri dish,the dish size is 90×15, when we start to sample,the suspended bacteria will be sucked into the culture medium in the perti dish.Then we put the dish with sampler into the biological incubator to do the bacterial culture,then to get the results.


FSC-8 biological air sampler 

FSC-8 biological air sampler is used to sampling the suspended bacteria in the cleanroom.The  basic  principle  is Andersen  principle,there  is  a  internal  pump to  suck the air into the equipment,the Andersen principle to make sure the sampling head with the same flow rate with the pump rate.Before we start to sampling the air,we need to put the culture medium into the sterile petri dish,the dish size is    90×15, when we start to sample,the suspended bacteria will be sucked into the culture medium in the perti dish.Then we put the dish with sampler into the biological incubator to do the bacterial culture,then to get the results.



Widely used in aseptic environments such as pharmaceuticals, hospitals,food  and  beverages,clean rooms, cosmetics,and  indoor  air  quality monitoring



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